Painting contractors Tucson, Chandler, Mesa Arizona

Home for the Holidays

Happy Thanksgiving from your friendly painters at The Paint Kings.  While the holidays are a time for friends, family and fun, there can be some stress associated with them.  For one thing, relatives you see once a year pop by to enjoy a warm meal and check out the latest and greatest
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Removing Stains & Marks on Walls without Painting

Having trouble removing stains? Instead of just painting over an unsightly stain; Here are suggestions to remove stains on freshly painted surfaces. Please follow the safety instructions for any house hold products your are using. Also any cleaning product/applicator, including warm w
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When to Power Wash, Why it is or isn’t necessary, and How

The question we receive most often is will you power wash before you paint? For paint to adhere, a surface needs to be free of organic debris and loose/peeling paint. If either of these are not visible to the naked eye, then there is no need to power wash. If only particular areas, su
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