Q: Why has my stucco faded?
A: Stucco like all exterior substrates is subject to the effects of the sun. The sun ‘bleaches’ color out and can leave your house looking lighter and chalkier. Repainting your home will restart the clock and with a quality product give you 10+ years of fresh looking color. If your house is only fading in ‘spots’ that is called efflorescence and is a result of salts from the concrete coming through the paint. This typically happens in the first few years after a stucco home is built and will go away with a coat of high quality paint.
Q: What paint is the best for Stucco
A: First and foremost you need to use an Exterior product. It is clearly marked on the can whether its for interior, exterior, or both. Exterior paint products at you local paint store are formulated for application on a variety of surfaces, from wood siding to brick and stucco. Water based exterior products also come in two varieties, Acrylic and Latex. While Latex products are easier to use, acrylic products offer superior gloss and color retention as well as good coverage that dries fast.
Q: Should I use a primer?
A: If your home is brand new or you have fresh patches then it is important to use a primer designed to block efflorescence caused by salts leeching out of the new concrete in the stucco. If your home has been built for a while and you are covering paint with more paint than a primer is not necessary. As long as you are applying paint over paint and the surface is free of debris then you are ready to paint.
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